Winners Announcement - GenAI Prompt Engineering Community Challenge #dev2070

Drumrolls Please! :drum:

We’re thrilled to announce the winners of the #Dev 2070 contest! We were incredibly impressed by the creativity, innovation, and technical prowess showcased in all the submissions. :star_struck:

And the Winners Are…

:1st_place_medal: @Toluwalase - $150 Gift card

:2nd_place_medal: @Megha - US$100 Gift Card

:3rd_place_medal: @WannaBeTechGuru - US$50 Gift Card

Please reach out at to provide further details on claiming your prizes.

Thank you to everyone who participated - your entries made the judging process incredibly challenging!

:face_exhaling: Your passion and dedication to the developer community are truly inspiring. :saluting_face:

We look forward to seeing your even more amazing creations in the next edition of the contest! Stay Tuned :heart:


:partying_face:Congratulations guys :tada:

Thank you Developer Nation Team for hosting such exciting competitions frequently👏🏻

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Congratulations to all winners :partying_face: :tada: :confetti_ball: :medal_military: