You have the right as an individual to access the personal information we hold about you and make corrections if necessary. You also have the right to withdraw any consent you have previously given us and ask us to delete information we keep about you by contacting us at any time via email.
We will respond to you within 30 days after we have received any request.
Our mission for the forum is to be able to answer incoming questions from community members in a more structured way and enable them to learn from each other’s questions. We will have a section about data and insights and we are open to suggestions as to what our audience would find useful.
Hi @Kesya! Good to meet you! Please login to your account and update your communication preferences so that you can be notified of our upcoming surveys. If you have any issues, do let me know.
Please can you PM me your email address so I can check you’re details. Looking at your screenshot, we do not have any surveys running right now with an active referral program but you can apply to join future ones here.